Monday, June 28, 2010

Never Ending

Seems like everything happens at once doesn't it? At the end of the day I am so glad to be in bed and relaxing until the thoughts pop into my head about what I have to accomplish tomorrow. It's never-ending and sometimes it is so overwhelming that I have to take a deep breath and just pray! Pray that everything turns out better and that everything that is happening would just start making sense. What I have found out, is if you ask yourself or someone else, "What next?", something else will happen which makes you even more frustrated. However, I have come to understand that if you ask about what else could possibly happen or go wrong, then you are losing faith in the one person who just wants to help you out and carry your burdens. Giving Jesus Christ your burdons, frustrations, and stress can make you feel so much better, all because you will know that you are not going through all of this alone. So, chin up and keep on going, because it will get better and tomorrow is another day!

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